Rubery Market to open in December

Rubery Market is to open its’ doors again in the first week of December. The market will consist of a wide range of quality goods at bargain prices.

The market is situated behind Kennedy’s Mica Hardware in New Road and there is ample parking and wheel chair access.

It consists of twelve stalls, thirty glass cabinets and the gallery café. There is also a shop unit at the front of the building which was previously used as a hairdressers.

In the run up to Christmas, Santa will be taking up residence in his grotto and there will be plenty of festive bargains.

Opening times are to be Wednesday to Saturday initially but this might be extended in the future.

Stalls and cabinets are available on monthly terms at favourable rates so if you are thinking of starting a business, or have a business already and are looking for extra exposure then please contact:

Andrew Gardner on 07957335241

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